Photography Group Volunteer

Is photography one of your passions? Volunteer at a local homeless charity and share your skills with residents. Some may only be beginners but some are already keen to improve their talent!

Published On: 06/07/2023
About this opportunity from HARP

HARP are looking for a keen and enthusiastic volunteer that has an interest/skill in photography to run a group with our residents once a week/bi weekly/monthly.
Some of our residents are keen photographers and we feel someone to guide them and teach skills will benefit them on their journeys to independent living.
Some of the residents will be beginners others will be more able, so showing them basic skills and working on improving the knowledge they already have will not only be useful but therapeutic.

This will involve field trips and indoor photography along with portrait, abstract and other exciting projects. A chance to bring your own ideas and input to the group.

Activity Types

Computers, IT and the web | Creativity | Practical Skills | Teaching and Training


Arts, Heritage and Entertainment | Environment | Homeless and Housing | Substance misuse and Addiction | Wildlife and Animals


The group can be flexible around the volunteer but ideally the same time weekly/bi weekly/monthly dependant of the volunteers availability and to be discussed upon application.

Find out more

For more information about HARP and this role, visit them online.

To apply for this role, visit the Volunteer Essex website to register your interest.

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