Southend Street Pastors are looking for Volunteer Trustees

If you're ready to use your professional skills & life experience, join our dedicated board of Trustees. This is an opportunity to make a difference & support vulnerable people in the local area

Published On: 07/06/2023
About this opportunity from Southend Street Pastors

Charity trustees play a very important role in making sure that the Charity is run in the interests of the people it is there to support. They strategically oversee the management and administration of the organisation. A trustee role in a charity is to be the guardians of purpose, making sure that all decisions put the needs of the beneficiaries first.

They safeguard the charity’s assets – both physical assets, including property, and intangible ones, such as its reputation. They make sure these are used well and that the charity is run sustainable.

Trustees don’t usually do the day-to-day running of the Charity. This is delegated to the staff instead they play the role of a critical friend to our chairman and Coordinators as we will be on hand to support.

Most Trustee boards meet four to eight times a year and focus on particular areas of work or projects. We engage trustees to get involved with our teams as well as having a good understanding of their charity work overall.

Southend Street Pastors are Christians and we have many faith groups which are part of our teams so it’s very important but not essential that people applying must be Christians and belong to a local Church.

Activity Types

Advice and information | Fundraising and Finance | General helping | Trusteeship and Committee work


Civic responsibility and communities | Employment, Education and Training | Religion


2 to 3 hours but this is flexible and must attend meets when organised.

Find out more

For more information about Southend Street Pastors and this role, visit them online.

To apply for this role, visit the Volunteer Essex website to register your interest.

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