Head Gardener – Cart and Wagon Shed

Shoebury Coastal CIC

Come and help maintain our community garden at the Cart and Wagon Shed in Shoebury Garrison. You will have the opportunity to develop new planting and design ideas to improve this green space!

Published On: 14/10/2023
About this opportunity from Shoebury Coastal CIC

We are seeking a volunteer to lead the upkeep and improvement of the garden at the Cart and Wagon Shed heritage and community centre at the Shoebury Garrison. The garden comprises a lawned area of approximately 75m x 6m with some planters and adjacent shrubbery.

The new gardener would be able to exercise and develop their gardening skills. We currently enjoy the help of other volunteers to perform basic maintenance tasks and we expect that the new gardener would be able to call on and direct their assistance. We hope that the new gardener will take on the role of leading these efforts and may also develop new planting or design ideas. The new gardener should therefore enjoy the benefits of teamworking, social interaction and mild physical exercise in the context of a not-for-profit community project.

Activity Types



Arts, Heritage and Entertainment | Civic responsibility and communities | Environment


The time commitment will be seasonal and flexible.

Find out more

For more information about Shoebury Coastal CIC and this role, visit them online.

To apply for this role, visit the Volunteer Essex website to register your interest.

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