Foodbank Volunteer
Could you commit to 4 hours or all day, every Tuesday, to help us change peoples lives? Come and use your practical skills to help provide those in need with food and other essential items.
About this opportunity from The Shoebury Ark
Volunteers are desperately needed to help in the operation of our foodbank. This position would be every Tuesday between 8-12, 2-5, or 8-5.
Duties that you would be asked to help with could include organising food bank items, assisting in the kitchen with cooking, washing up etc, and the operation of the food bank.
Skills – A willingness to help others
Activity Types
Administration and Office | Business Skills | Computers, IT and the web | Cooking and Catering | Creativity | Fundraising and Finance | General helping | Practical Skills | Supporting people and befriending
Civic responsibility and communities | Emergency response | Families and Parenting | Health and Social Care | Homeless and Housing | Religion
This position would be every Tuesday between 8-12, 2-5, or 8-5.